Voltron Intelligence’ Uniformed Security Service professionals provide asset protection across a broad array of business sectors and work environments. The firm’s officers are trained and focused on the benefits of working as partners in meeting the needs of the company’s clients.
Uniformed Security Service professionals are carefully screened and selected, meticulously trained, continuously monitored, and evaluated on an ongoing basis to ensure we’re meeting the client’s expectations. Management interviews all candidates thoroughly, conducts background checks, and determines personality/integrity profiles before adding them to the Voltron Intelligence team.
As the first line of defense for our customers and the representation of our company on the ground, our uniformed employees are amongest our most valuable asset. Personnel are carefully selected, vetted, and thoroughly trained to meet the unique needs of each client. We specifically recruit and hire officers local to each customer account, based on the security requirements at each site. Our evaluation and training of potential officers goes beyond background checks and verification of technical proficiencies; selected candidates’ personal traits and values mesh with the philosophies and expectations of the company and the client to which they are assigned. Ongoing management oversight, continuing education and routine performance evaluations based on agreed-upon key performance indicators further ensure successful Uniformed Security Service and programs.